2025 Quilt Show Categories
100. Traditional Pieced Large – Any quilt that is 70% or more pieced based on traditional style, patterns, or settings. May be hand or machine pieced. Length plus Width must be 161” but not exceed 240”.
200. Traditional Pieced Medium – Any quilt that is 70% or more pieced based on traditional style, pattern, or settings. May be hand or machine pieced. Length plus Width must be 121” and not exceed 160”.
300. Traditional Pieced Small – Any quilt that is 70% or more pieced based on traditional style, patterns, or settings. May be hand or machine pieced. Length plus Width must be 30” and not exceed 120”.
400. Reproduction quilts - Quilts designed to replicate a specific vintage era. (i.e. 30’s, Civil War, etc.) or vintage style (i.e. Baltimore Album) All sizes accepted.
500. Applique/Mixed Technique – Quilts are at least 70% or more applique. All sizes accepted.
600. Art – Quilts which are an original design. Any technique, combination of techniques or materials may be used. (i.e.: portrait, collage, etc.) All sizes accepted.
700. Modern – Quilts that are primarily functional and inspired by modern design. Minimalism, asymmetry, expansive negative space, improvisational piecing, and high contrast are significant elements of Modern Design. All sizes accepted except miniature.
800. Theme – Quilts in this category must have a recognizable element that reflects the show theme. Entries may be constructed by hand or machine, and any number of people can be involved in constructing the quilt. Judges will give greater emphasis to the creativity in depicting the theme. All sizes accepted.
900. Miniature – Maximum block size is 4”. Length plus width must be no more than 48”. Quilt is scaled down {miniaturized} and should appear to be a small version of a full-size quilt with components reduced in scale and bound. Includes all techniques.
1000. Group – Quilts created by 3 or more people. At least 1 must be a BBQG member. Any technique can be used for quilt construction. All sizes accepted.
1100. BOM/Kit Quilts - Any quilt constructed from precut or preselected fabrics. Entries in the category are not eligible for Best of Show or Go Texan. All sizes accepted.
1200. Other Techniques – This category may include any quilt that does not obviously fit into another category. Examples are English Paper Piecing, Crazy quilts, Yo-Yo, Red Work, Whole Cloth, Computer assisted or Hand Embroidery, Clothing, Painted embroidery, accessories, and photo quilts. All sizes except miniature accepted. Can be work of 1 or 2 people.
1300. Youth – A quilt constructed by a young person under the age of 16. All sizes accepted.
1400. Novice – Category is for beginning quilt makers and applies to the first 3 quilts made by the quilter. Includes all techniques and sizes except miniature. Can be the work of 1 or 2 people.
1500. Panel Quilts – This is a new category for our guild. Can be any quilt constructed using a printed panel. All sizes accepted.
1600. Challenge Quilt (Open to BBQG Guild Members ONLY) – Theme is “Lordy, Lordy, Our Quilt Guild is Forty!” Quilt must be throw size but can range anywhere from 45” to 72” wide and long. It must be finished. (Common sizes include: 45x60, 50x65, and 56x70 inches). A piece of red fabric will be given to use in the front of your quilt. Additionally, your quilt must contain 40 different fabrics including the provided red fabric, but only 40 fabrics. You may interpret and depict the Challenge theme any way you choose. Quilts will be judged by viewers’ choice. The top 3 quilts will be auctioned off on Saturday at 2 p.m. during the show. Other quilts entered in the Challenge will be donated to the Care Quilt Project. All challenge entries must complete the entry process. However, there is no registration fee. Additional detailed information will be given by Challenge Quilt committee chairs (Donna Bracewell and Jane Crouse) in a separate document.
1700. Bed Turning – Not a category. These will be used for Bed Turning demonstrations during the show. Quilts mustbe registered through the registration process, but NO Fee is required. All sizes accepted.
1800. Non-Judged/Display Only – Quilts for display only. Will not be judged. All sizes accepted.
Go Texan – Not an independent category. Quilts considered for this designation can be entered in other categories. Go Texan entries must comply with Go Texan rules found on the Houston Livestock Show website. (No kits allowed, must be a resident of Brazos County, does not have to be western themed). If you want your quilt to possibly be chosen for our Go Texan entry, you must indicate this on the registration form.
2025 Quilt Show Ribbons
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons for each judged category. (If 1st place is a 2-person entry, 2 ribbons will be awarded)
Honorable Mention (at judges’ discretion)
Best of Show (If a 2-person entry, 2 ribbons will be awarded)
Go Texan
Viewer’s Choice (1)
Judges’ Recognition (2)
VIP (2)
Best Hand Quilting
Best Machine Quilting
a. Computer assisted
b. Free Motion (Domestic or Long Arm)