Entry Rules and Instructions
(Last updated 1/22/2025)
All entries and photos must be received by midnight, July 10, 2025
Any quilt entered must be clean and have been completed in last 3 years.
All large, medium and small quilts must have a 4 inch sleeve sewn on the back. Mini quilts must have a 2 inch sleeve on the back.
A label with the owner’s name, name of the quilt and date completed must be attached to the back of the quilt. Judged entries must have label covered with a temporary patch of fabric or tape.
Any quilt longer than 90 inches must have a sleeve set at below 90 inches. The top will be folded over the top of the hanging pole.
Entry Form will be available on website for viewing April 28, 2025 and open for entries May 1, 2025.
Entry forms and photos for the 2025 show may be submitted in one of three ways:
1. Via the guild website at https://www.bbquiltguild.org (forthcoming) - (including 2 photos)
2. Mail them to: Helen Rode, 3805 Wild Horse Creek Ct., College Station, TX. 77845
3. Give them to Helen or Janet K.in person, starting May 1. Deadline is at the guild meeting, July 10, 2025. (We will then enter your data into the on-line system.)
Entry forms will be available on the website and at guild meetings.
You may submit up to four (4) entries per individual. * Limit 2 per category.
Fill out a separate form for each entry.
There is a $10.00 fee, per entry for BBQG member * $35 for non-members
(One check for multiple entries, to BBQG)
On-line entries will use a credit card.
Please PRINT the entry form in ink.
Refer to the website, or ask for a printed listing, for the category and size information.
Entry forms & photos must be submitted by the due date of July 10, 2025, which is the guild meeting date. If your quilt is not complete by then, you may submit entry with a drawing or photo, indicating the size, on the due date.
Two (2) photos (3x5 or 4x6) OR a computer image must be submitted for each entry. Photos will NOT be returned. Write your name, quilt title and measurements on back of each photo.
· Quilts must be dropped off at the Brazos Center, 3232 Briarcrest Dr., Bryan, TX 77802
· Drop-off time is 10:00am - noon. September 10, 2025. Or, the day before at the home of Helen Rode, or Charles Gilreath by 6:00pm.
· Each quilt must be in a pillowcase or cloth bag with the owner’s name and PH# on it. NO plastic bags. One item per bag.
· Quilt pick-up will be 5:00 to 6:30pm. On Saturday, July 13, 2025 at Brazos Center.
· You must have your receipt, which is given at time of check-in.
Board approved May 2, 2024