2025 Care Quilt Challenge
The theme: Lordy, Lordy Our Quilt Guild is Forty!
Time for a new Challenge! Each year there is a themed challenge to assist in creating care quilts for our community. Participants should express themselves by creating quilts!
Get your creative juices flowing! This years challenge will be a part of the 2025 BBQG Quilt Show.
Quilts will be judged by viewer’s choice voting and the top 3 quilts auctioned off September 13, 2025. After the judging, the other non-auctioned quilts can be purchased, with owners having the first choice to buy back their quilts. The remaining quilts will be donated to the guild’s Care Quilt program.
Rules for the Challenge Quilts:
Quilts must be a throw size, but can range anywhere from 45” to 72” wide and long, and must be finished! (Some common sizes include: 48 in x 60 in, 50 in x 65 in, and 56 in x 70 in.)
Each participant will be given a piece of our chosen red fabric in a nod to our Ruby Jubilee theme, and they must incorporate at least some of this red fabric into their quilt top design.
There must be 40 different fabrics (including the red given to them) that comprise the quilt top. Any of the forty chosen fabrics may be used more than once, but only forty different fabrics are allowed on the quilt top. (You may use any of the forty chosen fabrics to bind or back the quilt, but a different fabric selection is allowed for binding or backing.)
You may use any technique you want to complete your quilt. Pieced blocks, applique and/or fabric embellishment are encouraged, but remember it may be given to a small child so be cautious of buttons or other things that could be swallowed - everything should be tacked down carefully & securely!
Your entry must be turned in during the designated 2025 quilt show intake to be included in the quilt show. There is no entry fee to enter into the Challenge Quilt Category but it is included as part of the total number of quilts that can be submitted by one person.
Quilt Show visitors (including guild members) may vote for their favorite quilt in this category. The top three will receive a ribbon, and be auctioned off at 2pm on the last day of the quilt show. The remaining quilts will be donated to the guild’s Care Quilt program.“Lordy, Lordy Our Quilt Guild is Forty!”
Past Care Quilt Challenges
2024 Care Quilt Challenge
First Place
By Jeannie Bassett
Second Place
By Janet Taylor (photo not available)
Third Place
By Kathy Beifuss
2023 Care Quilt Challenge
First Place
By Marijane Dean
Second Place
By Charles Gilreath
Third Place
By Chris Deppe
2022 Care Quilt Challenge
First Place
Painted Buntings by Marijane Dean
Second Place
Sunset Daisies by Lou Ellen Hassold
Third Place
Color Outside the Box by Rowena Reed
2020 Care Quilt Challenge
First Place
"Pineapple Pizzazz" by Donna Bracewell,
Second Place
"Mr. Longbill" by Marijane Deen
Third Place
"Ship's Log" by Charles Gilreath

"Bugs In A Jar" First Place: made by Maggie McGuire, quilted by Peachy Burlin

"Bluebird in my Garden" Second Place: made and quilted by Marijane Deen

"Ladies in the Garden" Third Place: made and quilted by Connie Garrison

First Place: made by Martha Fuller, quilted by Norma Reel

First Place

Second Place: made and quilted by Nancy Searcy

Second Place

Third Place: made and quilted by Marjane Deen

Third Place